Thursday, August 8, 2019

Technology based instruction in our classroom.

As we sail through the 21st century, technology is becoming more and more predominant. It has now become a hand tool for the educationist to enhance teaching and learning process. Social media has become commonplace, and the way we use technology has completely transformed the way we live or lives. 

 Children being digital natives, they don’t enjoy the old traditional lecture method of teaching. So, to motivate the learners, use of technology has become a prime method in the classrooms. Moreover, as we are living in a competitive world, the world invites people with more skilled and knowledgeable people. So, students should be trained for 21st century skills to battle up with the fast economic growth. These 21st-century skills are essential in order to be successful in this day and age. Jobs that may not have had a digital element in the past may have one now. Education isn’t just about memorizing facts and words, it’s about solving complex problems and being to collaborate with others in the workers.

Furthermore, not all the children in the class are same. Despite of their age, sex and physical feature, different children have different learning abilities. So, to meet the needs of these children, technology can play a vital role in teaching and learning process.

Thank You.


  1. Yes you have rightly pionted out that in 21st centuary ICT is must in our teaching, however it will be the resposible of us...teachers to guide our learner in right direction. We should be mindful and introduce the right tools at the right time on order to avoid negative consequences later.


    Right time in order to...

  3. Time will come sooner than later, where everything will be done through ICT. Thus, I deeply feel that we must use commucative ICT tools aptly in the daily teachings.
    Use of ICT, as you mentioned would certainly help children develop a profound interest and curiousity in exploring new things. So, if possible I feel ICT must be used day in and day out into our lesson.

  4. Yes ICT plays vital role in classroom delivery of teaching. Definitely one day or other our teaching will be through modern technology and it will connect and take our learners around the world, whereby they can explore and learn more.

  5. Yes use of ICT motivates the learner and it takes care of their multi intelligence too.

  6. It's true that now a days children like to use ICT to find the information and this means the work done will be faster or easier to do. The time has come for us to change the methods of teaching.

  7. With the 21st century children they tend to ask us to Google and see for the answer when the see us confused at time so these means where has th time reached...
    My class two children I am talking about.

  8. Gyem! You rightly pointed out that our kids are digital native but it's high time we(teacher) need to catch up with our kids to facility them properly.

  9. Great findings and hoping to use all those findings in future lessons.

  10. Our children today are advance and they seem meaningless with absence of this facilities. We need to create ample of opportunity, provide space, and facilate them in learning. They do better and keeps exploring.

  11. Great findings about the use of ICT.

  12. Yes madam, today technology is really becoming more and more predominant in every field of learning. Children has really become digital natives and they don't enjoy old traditional lecture or teaching at all. It was really worth and enjoyable reading through your post.

  13. Your sharing about the technology was well explained and I have learnt a lot from your post.

  14. It's my pleasure to go through your post and I have realise the importance of ICT in the teaching and learning processes as you have pointed out.

    Madamji, to remind you, I think we need to focus on the usage of ICT in our teaching learning process. From ur post I felt that u have talked in general about the importance of ICT. In ur next post, I hope you would mention what ICT medium u have used in ur teaching.

    1. Thank you for the reminder sir. I am planning and thinking of a better post with good experience in my real classroom la.

  15. I went through your post and one point to know is Tecnology has notvage bar.
    Starting from tell little ones to the ageing one it has been a benefit.

  16. Informative write up on importance of ICT in making teaching lively by motivating learners.

  17. To cater to different types of learners the ict can be used. The use of it can bring much learning in children.

  18. Dear author
    Wonderful post la. I learned so many ideas on use of ict. It really heightened my potential in use of ict in classroom teaching. I too agree that children learn better if teacher uses ict in teaching. It has more weightage if use it wisely. I feel time has come and let us change ourselves to bring changes.

  19. It is a catchy article. I could acquire lots of ideas from your piece

  20. Yes, in this 21st century we won't be able to survive without ict skills, so it's important for ourself to be skillful to face our talented students

  21. It's true that students learn better if they have access to internet. In addition teachers are sacrificing their time, money and energy to enhance their classroom lesson plan integrating VAK(Audio, Visual and Kinesthetic) approach depending upon individual learning capacities.

  22. Using ICT in the 21st century are full of skills to battle up with the fast economic growth. These 21st-century skills are essential in order to be successful in this day and age and ICT plays a important and predominant role for the same. Jobs that may not have had a digital element in the past may have one now just because of ICT facilities.
    Great reading.
