Friday, September 20, 2019

ICT integration in English Class

We have a system of switch teaching amongst the member of each department at least two to three times a term. So when we plan for the switch teaching, all the members sit together and plan the lesson to make the pace of the lesson smooth and continual. Here I am going to state about class V English lesson. The objective of the lesson was to make the children collect information from different sources and write an essay at the end.

In the previous classes, we made the students to plan and prepare a presentation on the topic “Positive effect of television”. Of course, they were given choices whether to present in chart or ppt. The students were given two periods to plan and prepare their presentation in their group. So, in those periods students are given the opportunities to visit the IT lab and library with the permission from the in charges.

As they were instructed clearly, we didn’t monitor how they were preparing. On date 19th September, the students were asked to present their work in the class. Out of six groups, four groups have prepared PowerPoint presentation. The presentation done by the students were awesome and I was surprise to see how talented the students wore. If given opportunities, students do much better than us. In additional, other students who were listening were really enjoying and participating actively by asking lots of questions.

At the end when we made them to write the essay, they have marvelous essay which was totally different from what we had given as an individual work in the earlier classes.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today I am going to share something different from the classroom teaching, something that is practiced in our school.

Here in our school, we have a system of organizing departmental meeting every week. On 27th August, PP and class I department met and discussed on how to improve reading habits in these classes students. With much discussion, we came up with a number of strategiest. So we together planned our strategic plan. One of the actionable  strategy that we could immediately implement was to play nursery rhymes in our classes during reses time. Nursery rhymes are part of children's pre- literary skills and serves as an important pillar in their cognitive and language development. Rhymes also helps in language acquisition and auditory skills such as discriminating between sounds and developing the ear for the music of words.
Departmental meeting chaired by our Academic Head.
Unlike other schools, here we are very fortunate to have smart TV in all the classes from PP to  III. So from early in the morning, we open our classroom and play rhymes and keep the children freely and continue during the reses time. At first, we were quite worried that some naughty children might damage the television, so without the notice of the children, we kept an eye on them. Surprisingly,  I found out that my PP children were not even touching the screen, but they were dancing and singing the rhyme together.

Now, it has been around two weeks since we have following this. Although, there was not much differences within these short period, still we can see a slight change in them. The children were able to use the vocabularies they hear often from the rhymes. Some children could sing the rhymes along with correct pronunciation. And now we are expecting a greater impact in the students life through this intervention.